Membership Header.jpg (12377 bytes)


Please read the FOR Statement of Purpose


PLEASE NOTE: This application is NOT to be filled out or submitted online. It must be PRINTED, signed and mailed. Just use your browser's print command, then fill out the application and mail it to the address at the bottom of this page.

ANOTHER NOTE: In order to print the page without the graphic header ar the top, click your right mouse button with the cursor on this page, and choose print from the mouse menu. If you use a Mac, hold down the mouse button on this page and choose to open the page in a new window. Then print.

By signing this application, I become a lifetime member of FOR, committing myself to its principles and to making its vision a reality in my life and in the world.


Each individual should sign separately:

1. ___________________________________



2. ___________________________________


Date __________________________

Occupation(s) ________________________________

Name(s) (please print)



Enclosed is my gift of:


$25  $50   $100  $250  $500

Address ____________________________________

Other $ __________________________

City,State,Zip ________________________________

Local FOR groups are organized across the USA. Would you be interested in joining a local group?    Yes.

Phone _____________________________________

Friends of the Fellowship of Reconciliation

e-mail _____________________________________

I do not wish to become a member at this time, but want to support your work.

Religious affiliation(s), if any __________________

Enclosed is a contribution as indicated.


$25  $50   $100  $250  $500


$1000 Other $ __________________________


The only way to join FOR is to sign this individual membership application.

Groups can affiliate with the FOR; CHECK THE BOX ON THE APPLICATION ABOVE to receive information about local groups.  Or go to

While the payment of dues is not a requirement for membership, the FOR is dependent upon the contributions of members and friends for its financial support. Those contributing $25 or more per year will receive FOR's magazine, Fellowship. All contributions beyond $15 are tax deductible to the limit allowed by law.

Completed applications should be sent to:

The Fellowship of Reconciliation
P.O. Box 271
Nyack, NY 10960

Any donations to the local FOR Chapter may be sent to

2236 Kaelin Ave, Louisville, KY  40205-2658


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