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Activities and events for the Louisville, Kentucky Area

June-July 2007

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June 3 (Sun) VIGIL FOR PEACE every first Sunday evening remembering all those suffering from conflicts in the Middle East. Bring a sign. Bardstown Road at Douglass Blvd. 7:00-8:00pm, sponsored by LPAC (Louisville Peace Action Community). Call Judy Munro-Leighton, 456-6914.

June 4 (Mon) THE TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD, study group every Monday, using Robert Thurman�s translation. Friends Meeting House, 3050 Bon Air Ave. 6:00 pm. Call 345-3411.

June 5 (Tue) COOPERATIVE GAMES DAYS, Part One, sponsored by the Peace Education Program at 318 W Kentucky St. PART TWO will be on June 12. Attend one or both. $100 fee for both or $55 for one. 10:00am-2:00pm. Fee includes written material, boxed lunch & Fun,Fun,Fun! To register call 502/589-6583, or e-mail: [email protected]

June 7 and 21 (Thu) SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE, every first and third Thursday, 5:30pm. Main library, 4th & York Sts, Board Room, Mezzanine. Call Kay Tillow, 636-1551.

June 7 (Thu) AMBASSADOR DENNIS ROSS of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, �Restoring America�s Prestige.� Sponsored by the World Affairs Council of Ky and Southern Indiana. Galt House West, Archibald Room, 3rd Floor, 140 N Main St. Tickets $15. ($12 for members with member code.) Tickets are sold in advance at or call the World Affairs Council office, 502/561-5422.

June 8 (Fri) SPECIAL! PLEASE JOIN THE NOON VIGIL OBSERVING THE 40th ANNIVERSARY OF THE MILITARY OCCUPATION OF PALESTINE (June 1967 - June 2007). We will call upon the U.S. government to act with courage and determination to end the Occupation and secure a state of Palestine beside the state of Israel. Come to the corner of 6th and Broadway. 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm. Sponsored by the Louisville Committee for Israeli/Palestinian States, the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Call Beverley Marmion, 451-5658.

June 8 (Fri) MARGARET WHEATLEY - Half-Day workshop entitled �From Hero to Host: Leadership that Fosters Capacity for Positive Change� focusing on the role of leaders in the relationship-driven society of the 21st century. 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, prior to EarthSpirit Rising Conference at Bellarmine University. Registration required. Buy tickets $30 online at Or call 1/800/838-3006. Tickets available at Carmichael�s Bookstore. For details, call Howard Mason at Metro United Way, 502/292-6126.

June 8-10 (FSS) EarthSpirit Rising 2007 Conference: RETURN TO EARTH WISDOM. Join the Green Revolution. For full conference details, go to Conference designed for spiritual leaders, educators, business leaders, social workers, artists, environmentalists, social entrepreneurs and other concerned citizens of Earth. Bellarmine University. Register now at

June 9 (Sat) PEAK OIL, solar energy presentation. Peak Oil meets every 2nd Saturday, main library 4th & York, Mezzanine, board room. 9:00am. Call George Perkins, 589-5511.

June 9 (Sat) NEW! GARDENERS MARKET! Every Saturday, 8-11 am. Sponsored by Crescent Hill/Clifton neighborhoods. Frankfort Ave at Peterson, in the parking lot of Crescent Hill United Methodist Church. Featuring fresh produce, bedding plants, perennials, herbs, bamboo, house plants and BREAD! A community event. All gardeners welcome to bring fresh produce. Spaces available.  Call 376-6829.

 June 10 (Sun) �AIM HIGHER� focusing on military counter recruitment. Every 2nd Sunday at 7:00 pm, 2236 Kaelin Avenue at the FOR office. This group would welcome invitations to speak about conscientious objection, military recruitment, and the possibility for highschool students to �opt out� of having their names given to recruiters. Call Chris Harmer, 893-2334. [email protected]

June 13 (Wed) KITLAC (Ky Interfaith Taskforce on Latin America and the Caribbean). Every second Wednesday at the Presbyterian Seminary. Nelson Hall, Room 10, 7:30 pm. Call David Horvath, 479-9262, or Pat Geier, 456-6586.

June 14 (Thu) CITIZENS AGAINST POLICE ABUSE (CAPA), every second Thursday at the office of the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, 3208 W Broadway. 7:00 pm. Call Kirk Owens, 896-0684.

June 14 (Thu) AMERICAN PALESTINE PUBLIC AFFAIRS FORUM (APPAF). Every second Thursday at the League of Women Voters Bldg, 115 S Ewing (off Frankfort Ave). 7:30 pm. Film: �SUCH A NORMAL THING,� A Simple Journey into the Israeli-Occupied West Bank, by Rebecca Glotfelty Call Bashar Masri, 773-1836.

June 15 (Fri) NOON VIGIL FOR PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST, including a news update. EVERY FRIDAY AT SIXTH AND BROADWAY, in front of the Federal Court House (where Senator McConnell�s office is located). We vigil in solidarity with the �Women in Black� who vigil every Friday at noon in Israel. Sponsored by the Louisville Committee for Israeli/Palestinian States, the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, and the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Call Beverley Marmion, 45l-5658.

June 17 (Sun) LOUISVILLE COMMITTEE FOR ISRAELI/PALESTINIAN STATES. (Every third Sunday) First Unitarian Church, 4th & York Streets, 3:00 pm. Call Beverley Mamion, 451-5658.

June 21 (Thu) LPAC (Louisville Peace Action Community) every third Thursday evening. Douglass Blvd Christian Church, 7:00pm. Call Judy Munro-Leighton, 456-6914, or Ellen Schagene, 451-6392. www, E-mail: [email protected]

June 22 (Fri) PIZZA and A MOVIE: �The Day After Tomorrow� part of the Family Classics series sponsored by the Center for Faith & Action and Interfaith Paths to Peace. 6:00pm. Film at 6:30pm. James Lees Presbyterian Church,1741 Frankfort Ave. at William St. Free. Donations welcome for pizza. Call 896-0172.

June 22 (Fri) GIVE PEACE A DANCE! A fun filled evening sponsored by the Peace Education Program. Glassworks, 815 W Market. 8:00-12:00pm. Can�t dance? Don�t worry, dance lessons on the half hour. Tickets $15 in advance. $20 at the door. Call 589-6583.

June 23 (Sat) YOUTH FOR PEACE REUNION COOKOUT, hosted by Judy Schroeder. For details, call Judy at 502/296-5056.

June 25 (Mon) F.O.R. STEERING COMMITTEE (every 4th Monday). Presbyterian Seminary, 1044 Alta Vista Road, Nelson Hall #10, 7:30pm. Call Phil Schervish, 451-6638, or Dennis Bricking, 895-8516.

     July 2 (Mon) DEADLINE FOR THE JULY/AUGUST ISSUES OF FORsooth. Please note that these issues will be combined. Contact George Morrison, editor, 944-6460, E-mail:[email protected] Note: For calendar listings, contact Jean Edwards, 458-8056. E-mail: [email protected]

July 8 (Sun) POTLUCK DINNER TO WELCOME THE 18th PASTORS FOR PEACE FRIENDSHIPMENT CARAVAN ON ITS WAY TO CUBA. Traveling in school buses, trucks and cars, collecting medical and educational supplies along the way through some 120 U.S.and Canadian cities, the Caravanistas will enter Cuba via Mexico as a collective challenge to the blockade and travel ban. People are needed to go to Cuba with the caravan. Information can be found at Call David Horvath, 502/479-9262 or Mary Ann Lambert, 425-3844.

July 12 (Thu) FORsooth LABELING, at Beverley Marmion�s, 6:30 pm. HELP NEEDED! Call 451-5658.

July 21-31 FOUR VISITORS FROM RWANDA, sponsored by the Peace Education Program, to attend the Training of Educators Workshop. Upon returning to Rwanda, they will develop a mediation program using the skills learned at the Workshop. Funds are needed to cover their travel costs. If you can contribute, call Eileen Blanton, 502/589-6583.

July 24-26 (TWT) TRAINING OF EDUCATORS WORKSHOP, for school personnel and youth workers interested in creating a youth mediation program in school or community center settings. $350 or $650 for two-person team. Call Peace Education Program, 502/589-6583. e-mail: [email protected]

Aug 10-12 (FSS) �WHAT SAVES WOMEN?� Weekend retreat on the scenic and quiet grounds of Loretto Motherhouse. Wrestle with the heart of your life in the company of strong, comforting and fun women guided by a team of female pastors, thinkers, writers and activists. Sponsored by The Women�s Center of the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. For details, email Mary Sue Barnett, [email protected]



June 15-17 (FSS) JUBILEE USA, 2nd ANNUAL GRASSROOTS CONFERENCE. Loyola Univ Water Tower Campus, 820 N. Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611. Workshops and networking. Join the 2007 Sabbath Year Call for Debt Cancellation and Economic Justice. Contact Nathan Fishman at Jubilee USA, 202/546.4470, [email protected] Scholarships available for Louisville participants. Contact Janette McCabe at [email protected] or call 327-8297.

Aug 31- Sept 2 (FSS) HIGHLANDER CENTER CELEBRATES 75 YEARS working for social justice and human rights in Appalachia and the South! For information contact Anasa Troutman, 865/933-3443, ext 226. [email protected]


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